Recently Pendeta ZaBa has done a program called D'christwali. The name is very unique is it? Actually it is the combination of Deepavali and Christmas. It was held in Kiosk Pendeta ZaBa college.The programme was done by members of Kelab Sentamil Kalagam(KSK).I was one of the high board members for this ceremony. I was been chosen as Diector of programme. That was the first time i hold a board and i have gained alot of experiences from that ceremony. As a Director of Programmes my duty was to handle all the programmes that had on he day, i dai tentative of the show and helped protocol bureau on the day. The VIP for the show was Dr. Narayanan, one of the lecturers in FSSK. We, first year girls fom Pendeta ZaBA college have done a performance.We did a classical dance with lights and traditionally. There were alot of performances. Such as malay dance, modern dance, semi classical dance and a wonderful singing performance from christian society in ZaBa. During the speech of VIP, he said that we have done a very good job and he likes our first year students spirit. We were very happy and satisfied because it was uor first programme in college that done by first years and we got alot of positive comments and also compliments from lots of the audience. It was a great experience and lesson for all of us. We have done our best in this show and wish to do the best in our examinations too.