Hi, my fellow classmate. Today, i would like to share about the ideas on how can we unite the people of diverse origins in Malaysia.
Multi ethnic Malaysia faces a big challenge in uniting the people of diverse origins namely Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis and others. We have the Ibans, Bidayuhs, Penans and other east Malaysians to include in the list.
Celebrations, festivals, and activities of different races should be respected and should not be condemned by people of different ethnicity.
In addition, we must adhere to the principals of the Rukun Negara which emphasizes that everyone should respect the Federal Constituition. The people can promote mutual understanding and respect by organising more activities where everyone from different races participate equally.
Further, government departments must have more multi-ethnic staff as this will be a good example for the private sector to emulate.
The authorities must have open-houses during celebrations and festivals to promote goodwill and understanding.
Members of the armed forces and the police force must have an equal number of Malays, Chinese and Indians as well as the other races who form the population of Malaysia.
Telematches, jogathons, marathons and other outdoor activities must be held to get everyone to mix freely. Teachers, parents and leaders must instil the basic foundation of unity among children, students and teenagers.
Everyone should refrain from making racial slurs and creating the disharmony among the people of different ethnic backgrounds.
The terminology use for race should be changed to Malaysians rather than to divide according to different ethnic background.
Ministers, deputy ministers, parliamentarians and senators should speak on unity and attend to the needs of every Malaysian equally. They should not be prejudiced and pass discriminatory remarks.
All Malaysians should treat one another with respect and prevent any racial disunity. They should not make a mountain out of a molehill.
We need to understand that unity is the greatest strength in any country. Religious tolerance goes a long way in creating a country solidarity, integrity and stability.
Law enforcement should be prompt when it concerns any racial issues. They should prevent the situation from going out of hand. Police officers must be diplomatic in their approach as they form the first group to meet the society at large.
The togetherness of the people of different ethnicity will promote Malaysia as a great place to leave in.
Last and foremost, thank you and Selamat Hari Merdeka Ke-52 !
From : Shoo May
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Time flies. And we are now approaching to the 3rd month of campus life. Life as a law student is awkfully hectic. Loads of homework to be done everyweek and we are expecting more to come.sigh.I don't have enough sleep all week long.Some people even jokingly said i look sick and pale because i seem like i am lack of nutrition.We had our mid sem few weeks back then but seriously i have no idea how i performed.I tried my best but i don't think gave the hardest i can give.And final exam is awaiting.Just few more weeks.I need to get rid of my laziness and start working.And most importantly,stop procrastinatig!
Its time to change..
My life before is totally different than my recently life..
Everything is different..
From the smallest thing to the biggest thing..
My attitude,the way I study,the way I think and everything..
I've become more matured..
Learn a new things and rely on myself..
If before this I'm a kind of person that study at a last minute,
but now not anymore..
Everyday I sleep late..
I can cope with my study,tutorials and everything..
So,if I want to succeed,I've to work hard..
Study smart not study hard..
That's the recipe to gain success..
So its time to change..
Everything is different..
From the smallest thing to the biggest thing..
My attitude,the way I study,the way I think and everything..
I've become more matured..
Learn a new things and rely on myself..
If before this I'm a kind of person that study at a last minute,
but now not anymore..
Everyday I sleep late..
I can cope with my study,tutorials and everything..
So,if I want to succeed,I've to work hard..
Study smart not study hard..
That's the recipe to gain success..
So its time to change..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
2nd edition
This is the second time that I will actually post something in this page. Quite a long time since I last wrote anything here. My last post was a mere reflection on my experience for the first few weeks I have been here in this prestigious university. In a blink of an eye,this is already the 8th week my compatriots and I have been here. Its quite ironic,as a lot of things changed,a lot of other things still remains the same. For instant,though it is more than a month since the first day we registered here,it should be noted that we are still doing the same old thing that we do back in school,which is studying. The venue may have change,but there is no difference basically. On my first post, I reflected on how lucky I am to be here. Well,after this past few weeks,that lucky feeling keeps on growing in my heart. The multi-racial situation here has help me a lot in improving my soft-skills. I would like to thank Puan Hanani for giving us the chance to talk and share with the whole class on any topics related to any current issue,either domestically or internationally. Through this,it helps us to develop our speaking abillities as well as improving ou English language.It is already the month of Ramadhan,where all Muslims will be fasting. Thus I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims a happy fasting month.
What Merdeka Means To Me...

I was born 32 years after 'merdeka'. I did not get a chance to hear the first shout of the 'merdeka' in 1957, but I know it was very spiritful, wonderful, and energetic shouted that malaysia ever heard. People stand together without think about race, blood, religion and skin colours. All shouted in one voice and all saying one magical word called 'merdeka'. full of honour, happiness and they were united.

Nowadays Malaysia has transform to be a develop and modern country. Lots of changes made to ensure Malaysia success. New technologies, new economic principles and a care of social justice is the key of Malaysia modernization and development. All people live in harmonies, tolerance and respect one another. They also help each other in sincerely.
Seriously, I’m very proud to be Malaysian. Live in this peace multiracial country, make me feel happy, cheerful and not feel alone or isolated. I hope Malaysia keep going trough success and glory. Let us stand together and make this hope become reality. Stand as one Malaysia…!!! merdeka..!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
1Malaysia, 1Hope, 1Unity
Assalamualaikum and Hope All in a Good Condition...
1Malaysia, that's the things that I am want to reflect with. Maybe it is a part of our country tradition, when our country having a new leadership, they will introduce a tagline for that will creates their own brand and identity... Our new 5th Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak also formed his unique identity that is "1Malaysia-Rakyat Didahulukan, pencapaian Diutamakan." The tagline "1Malaysia" for me had given a brilliant meaning especially for all Malaysian. The number "1" itself shows that our Prime Ministry dream to make Malaysia as a advance and leader in all aspect and also hope Malaysian will unite together in the same country with our own branding. The concept of "1Malaysia" should not be similar to the concept of "Malaysian Malaysia" as the virtue of "1Malaysia" is to apply equality among its citizen without contravene with the article in our Federal Constitution. The notion of "1Malaysia" should be applied in our country as its promote unity based on the principle of "Celebrating The Variousness". It is important for us to respect the other culture and tradition as its has build our own country branding.
From the perspective of campus life, what I can see is the students in the university is now easily to adopt with the notion of "1Malaysia" and the application of this notion can be seen from the events that had been held around the university. For example, in UKM, in conjunction of the 37th Convo Fest, every night, in the main stage, there will the event that actually promote to the unity of all races in Malaysia for instances, Boria; dances and so on. From here, we can see all races are unite in order to make their performance success.
It is about 5 days from before we will celebrate our 52th Independent Day... The virtue of "1Malaysia" should be given prioritize by all Malaysian as its will shape our development for another 50 years.. For me, "1Malaysia" in not a rhetoric but a reality.. and it is not impossible for us as a Malaysian to make it our hope for the future...
That's all for now.... Hope see you soon... :0> :0)
I'm a STPM student.This is my first experience staying in hostel and also first time staying away from my family members.It is a very new and beneficial experience for me. One month's campus life has thaught me alot. I've learnt to become more independant and not depending on others to do something.
First of all, i've prepared myself to wake up early in the morning with alarm sound. When I was at home, my mum was the who wakes me up during schooling days. As I know she had a very terrible time every morning because of me.
Secondly, campus life has thaught me to finish all my work on my own, such as washing clothes, clean my room, clean my study table and so on. As I stated before, I've learnt to move independently after enter university.
In conclusion, I've learnt and wish to learn more in my university life.
First of all, i've prepared myself to wake up early in the morning with alarm sound. When I was at home, my mum was the who wakes me up during schooling days. As I know she had a very terrible time every morning because of me.
Secondly, campus life has thaught me to finish all my work on my own, such as washing clothes, clean my room, clean my study table and so on. As I stated before, I've learnt to move independently after enter university.
In conclusion, I've learnt and wish to learn more in my university life.
bundled up work
As the weeks flew by like the wind, I thought to myself, gosh how time flies. As a law student, I had to always be on my feet, and be a lot more alert to everything and yes I do mean everything. Tutorial homeworks and assignments were expected to be done in the best way possible, as well as being sent punctual on the exact date and time. My study desk in my room is now bundled with books, and I realize these books weren't enough. We have to be constantly reading variety of books as well as the newspaper to stay abreast in every single aspect that are constantly related to law. Degree life was obviously different than my life when I was doing Diploma, and I have to always motivate myself to study and study my best with the utmost interest there is. I never thought it as a burden, but sometimes I'm just a bit stressed because we had to perform and be the best we can be all the time everytime. I hope my mind and body has finally adapted and becoming more stronger to this new lifestyle as a degree student. I just want to see the smile on my parents faces and make my them proud.
$#% Must SERIOUS ! %#$
Two months passed by in the twinkling of an eye, and yet, what I have already done in this university untill now is still uncertain. There are many challenges that waiting me to face and fight against, therefore, self-motivation has became another habitual action once I stepped into UKm. I wonder that how can I pass the days without encouraging myself to obtain more energy.
I find there is a fact that I am going to stress on and put more efforts on it. It is the seriousness in doing everything. It will help me (not only me, even you all) to improve myself and step forward to the frontline of success. Weekdays are the days that I always bustle about, spend most of the time in the faculty of law. Despite the busyness during every weekdays, I still enforce to be serious in doing everything, no matter it is about the academic assignment or not. Thus, I have discovered a lot of latent knowledge when I put more efforts in doing something. It is essential to be independent in the life of university when I am attempting to resolve the matters mostly about the financial management, time management, emotion management and the others which need critical thinking. It is doubtless if you are perfunctory in settling all of these, then you will not grow anymore, and even, it is meaningless to stay in the university. It is just running around in circles.
My seriousness during weekends is vital for me too. Weekends are always the days I relax and take a rest. Surely, I am so serious in having a rest during my weekends and the other matters which will bother me, I just put it aside. Serious in sleeping, serious in enjoying, serious in having entertainment, serious in taking a rest... ... I could describe this kind of seriousness as "recharging the battery", so that I am able to handle all the difficulties in the coming weekdays. Hence, I seldom allocate my time in doing revision during weekends.
Wish you all have a "serious" days. Good luck.
Best wish from Edwin / Ong
I find there is a fact that I am going to stress on and put more efforts on it. It is the seriousness in doing everything. It will help me (not only me, even you all) to improve myself and step forward to the frontline of success. Weekdays are the days that I always bustle about, spend most of the time in the faculty of law. Despite the busyness during every weekdays, I still enforce to be serious in doing everything, no matter it is about the academic assignment or not. Thus, I have discovered a lot of latent knowledge when I put more efforts in doing something. It is essential to be independent in the life of university when I am attempting to resolve the matters mostly about the financial management, time management, emotion management and the others which need critical thinking. It is doubtless if you are perfunctory in settling all of these, then you will not grow anymore, and even, it is meaningless to stay in the university. It is just running around in circles.
My seriousness during weekends is vital for me too. Weekends are always the days I relax and take a rest. Surely, I am so serious in having a rest during my weekends and the other matters which will bother me, I just put it aside. Serious in sleeping, serious in enjoying, serious in having entertainment, serious in taking a rest... ... I could describe this kind of seriousness as "recharging the battery", so that I am able to handle all the difficulties in the coming weekdays. Hence, I seldom allocate my time in doing revision during weekends.
Wish you all have a "serious" days. Good luck.
Best wish from Edwin / Ong
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hectic life just begin...
A true life of law students finally revealed. The 'comfortable zone' where I am belong to before this start to disappear and a new unexpected zone of hectic start to approach in my life. The tutorial classes had begun and they really test my mind to work faster and be more organized. The tutorial classes here is totally different than that I had during my foundation in UITM. We have to do the preparation for the tutorial before unlike in UITM where we just come to the class and ask the lecturer about anything that we don't understand or the lecturer will ask a question to test our understanding directly. There is no specific question prepared that require us to work on before class except for the presentation or assignment. So, being here is really a big change toward my lifestyle before. I find that, it will be the biggest challenge for me along this four years.We also had our test last week. For me, I don't know what I had done in the test. I just did it. My attitude to study in last minute become common. Although I know that I'm not gonna to succeed if the negative attitude remain in myself but I just keep doing that over and over again. Oh my God...give me your guidance,please... For those that have a good way or idea in changing the negative and devil attitude, please tell me. However, I do know that in this matter, I have to solve it myself because the root is in myself. But, I am welcome to your advise......and wish me luck to keep going till the graduation..Chaiyok!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
*** Assalamualaikum and Hope having a Very Nice DAy...
Today, my topic is quite a very sensitive to be discussed but we need to discuss it as its will influence our contitution itself. National language being crucial and sensitive especially in Malaysia that involved multi-lingual community. Malaysian needs to appreciate their own national language in order to build strong national integration. Current situations viewing that prestige of Bahasa Melayu (BM) as a national language is going degradation. Article 152 of the Federal Constitution for the safeguard of the role of BM as a national language in all official matter, including education. So. it is under our responsibility to uphold the notion of Bahasa Melayu as our national language.
When we look into the context of judiciary system in Malaysia where BM is not be given a priority in court. Consequential of this, the issue of “Bahasa Rojak” rising in the court. The usage of BM in court is considered as unsatisfaction. Ex-Chief Judge, Tun Ahmad Fairuz criticized the usage of language in court is not perfect as having mixing between BM and English. National language will lead into distinction if the usage of “Bahasa Rojak” is not controlled as prevention is better than cure.BM is being applied as official language in court and duration of 29 years should not be an excuse for legal practitioner especially the senior not fluent in BM. Failing to be competence in national language bringing many problems as the important rules and regulations are translated into BM since 1968. Section 8 of National Language Act 1967 that allowing the court proceeding shall be partly in national language and partly in English show weakness of the law relating to the national language. Choices provided in Section 8 had brought negative impact to the usage of BM in court as most of the judges favour to use English in court because of comfortable. Amending Section 8 of National Language Act will increase the prestige of BM as acknowledgement is given by the court.
Inefficient implementation of the laws resulted signboard and advertisement in Malaysia do not use BM properly and extensively in most of times. Nowadays, it is likes a “trend” as many advertisement use English as their main language rather than BM. For instance, most of the commercial banks in Malaysia are more use English in their advertisement that can easily been seen on the road. Here, the ignorance of the instruction of Bank Negara Malaysia General Order on 2001 that all financial institutions in Malaysia are compulsory to apply national language in all matter is being asked as its implementation is not efficient. Besides, most of the sign board on all shops are failed to apply BM in a proper way and its disturb the beautifulness of the national language itself. Failing to use BM correctly and precisely is against with the general order made by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) on 2006. A good advertisement and signboard must create respect to the foreigner for our own identity.
In essence, efficient implementation of the law is the best approach to protect national language from being distinction and also safeguard the national integration among multi-racial community in Malaysia. DBP as a “language police” must be given more power to ensure standard of BM always in higher level. Even though DBP is responsible for the protection of our national language, we as a citizen of our beloved country, Malaysia should co-operate together in order to uphold the guidelines in our country Federal Constitution. Appreciation of the tagline “Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa” must be given prioritize as our national language nowadays seem not be a symbol of the nation like national flag which all Malaysian’s can identify.
That's all for now...
<<> :0)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
please edit your entries...
at the bottom of it... write your name at the "label for this post"...
for the first entries also..
thank you! =)
please edit your entries...
at the bottom of it... write your name at the "label for this post"...
for the first entries also..
thank you! =)
I just came back from college activity which organized by JAKSA in conjunction for the coming Merdeka. Its boring. They insist us to go there by 8.30pm and people, guess what time the ceremony start. Its start at 9.30pm. All of us are doing nothing at there and the only 2 purposes we went for the event were to get the attendance and we will get dinner for free. That's it. Oh ya, there's a lucky draw contest also. But among the winners, 2 of them are the MCee for the ceremony. How ridiculous it is..
Anyway, tomorrow is Friday, the only weekdays that I don't have class.
So, as usual, I will absolutely get off from UKM to get some entertainment out there.
But it takes time to go out because need to wait for the bus, have a long queue to get the ticket and wait for the train. On the other hand, the train is always too packed that I don't really have enough oxygen.
I am thinking, How good if i own a car.
Tomorrow I will meet up with my matriculation's dudes and we will have fun for sure.
As mid sem test had just over, evrything seems like a little bit more relax.
Nevertheless, I am still burning midnight oil always especially every monday because Tuesday will having Contract tutorial.
Xin Yu
Anyway, tomorrow is Friday, the only weekdays that I don't have class.
So, as usual, I will absolutely get off from UKM to get some entertainment out there.
But it takes time to go out because need to wait for the bus, have a long queue to get the ticket and wait for the train. On the other hand, the train is always too packed that I don't really have enough oxygen.
I am thinking, How good if i own a car.
Tomorrow I will meet up with my matriculation's dudes and we will have fun for sure.
As mid sem test had just over, evrything seems like a little bit more relax.
Nevertheless, I am still burning midnight oil always especially every monday because Tuesday will having Contract tutorial.
Xin Yu
We watched in awe as she stood up and took a slow pace ascending the stairs. As soon as her name was announced, we applaud in honour of a lady who was crippled, yet was to receive her PHD from the Chancellor at the Convocation. What moved us was when the vice-Chancellor helped her to the center stage. I saw with my own eyes how an imperfect being could be crafted and moulded into a graduate, someone just as good if not better than we are. Could we do better than her taking into account the fact that we are not any lesser physically? Or do the words of Mahatma Ghandi actually paint the truth? 'Strength does not come from physical capacity but from an indomitable will'.
-Denise Khoo
-Denise Khoo
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I am waiting for next thursday.
I am missing home.
I am thinking about the good life back in my hometown.
I am missing all the good food.
I am missing the king size bed of mine.
H1N1 is getting worst.
UKM,please tell me you are closing soon...........
*the post seems pointless but i wrote this from the bottom of my heart.....true feelin eh =P
I am missing home.
I am thinking about the good life back in my hometown.
I am missing all the good food.
I am missing the king size bed of mine.
H1N1 is getting worst.
UKM,please tell me you are closing soon...........
*the post seems pointless but i wrote this from the bottom of my heart.....true feelin eh =P
Monday, August 17, 2009
Oh H1N1....
Hello guys...
Hello guys...
7 weeks in UKM, I gained lots of experiences and knowledge. I'm proud to be here. Now, everybody is busy with assignments, "Pesta Konvo", other activities and also H1N1. I don't know whether it is true or not, but my friend said that in UKM only, there are two student be the victims of H1N1. It makes many people worry about it and take the precaution step in order to prevent themselves from the disease. Prevention is better than cure right? I really hope that all the UKM students will take a good care of their health especially to the Law’s students. Till today 17 august 2009, in Malaysia only, there are 64 people die because of this influenza and 1716 people die from 174 countries in the world. Now, H1N1 is a serious issue and the precaution steps should be taken by the government and also the society. It is good to see that some of the Law students are wearing the mask especially my English for Law classmates such as Shu Mei, Emirul, and Mawardi. Congratulation to three of you and I hope that the others will follow these three students so that you will be protected form the influenza including ME! Please somebody lecture me on how dangerous this influenza to our health! =)
I want to share some good information about this influenza. The symptoms for this influenza are sore throat, fever which is usually high, headache, cough, and diarrhea and vomiting, body aches, chills and also runny nose. To those who have these symptoms at least three, please go and see the doctor immediately before something bad happen to you. Apart from that, there are certain groups who are at the particularly risk of severe disease or bad outcomes if they get the flu. They are pregnant women, young children especially those under 12 months of age, elderly people, and people with heart disease, HIV infection and chronic diseases. Guys, you can prevent these diseases by washing your hands regularly with soap and water, avoid close contact with sick people and touching your month, nose or eyes. Based on the information given above, I hope that all of you including ME will start to find the best way to be a healthy person. Huhu..
I want to share some good information about this influenza. The symptoms for this influenza are sore throat, fever which is usually high, headache, cough, and diarrhea and vomiting, body aches, chills and also runny nose. To those who have these symptoms at least three, please go and see the doctor immediately before something bad happen to you. Apart from that, there are certain groups who are at the particularly risk of severe disease or bad outcomes if they get the flu. They are pregnant women, young children especially those under 12 months of age, elderly people, and people with heart disease, HIV infection and chronic diseases. Guys, you can prevent these diseases by washing your hands regularly with soap and water, avoid close contact with sick people and touching your month, nose or eyes. Based on the information given above, I hope that all of you including ME will start to find the best way to be a healthy person. Huhu..
My Homework In FUU
Finally, I have spent about 7 weeks in UKM. The life of law student is awfully busy and packed. Everyday I have to deal with a heavy load of homework. As the inevitable consequence, I am forced to sleep at 1 am every night. Besides, I often feel dissatisfied with my homework. I strogly believe that my performance in my homework is fairly grim. In addition, majority of my coursemates do amazingly well in their homework. In most of our homework, we are suppose to bring out our own idea, so you see, it bears a conspicuous dissimilarity with secondary as well as primary homwwork. In primary and secondary or perhaps college level, we can gain the answers easily for the homeworks effortlessly with a condition you make some effort to flip the books. However, in university, you have a variety of books but it is no doubt difficult to attain the answers. You have to crack you brain or even crash your brain to acquire the answers. For example, is our legal system prefect? The one who can answer this question fantastically well must a gifted genius. For the ideas which which I bring up for the homework, I think they are quite foolish. I discover that my friends's answers are considerable mature compared to mine.
Next, I also find that quite a number of my friends often cannot fork out sufficient time to complete their homework. These are mainly due to their activities in their college. So finally they need to copy or the worst, borrow homework from their trusted friends. To me, I think it is fine because although they do not complete their homework but they are incredibly intelligent, they still can perform very well for their exam. After the result is announced, definely they will accomplish at least 3.0 for this semester. I am expected this to occur.
From T.Zhao Lin
Next, I also find that quite a number of my friends often cannot fork out sufficient time to complete their homework. These are mainly due to their activities in their college. So finally they need to copy or the worst, borrow homework from their trusted friends. To me, I think it is fine because although they do not complete their homework but they are incredibly intelligent, they still can perform very well for their exam. After the result is announced, definely they will accomplish at least 3.0 for this semester. I am expected this to occur.
From T.Zhao Lin
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Keep up the Good Work!
Hi class! I see that many of you have made your contributions to this blog and it has been interesting reading. Keep up the good work! But I'm sad to see that some names are still missing. I hope that these people will give themselves a turbo charge and start contributing. I look forward to reading everyone's contributions.
Tomorrow is the start of week 7 and I hope that you've all had a good rest after an exhausting week. In the case of our reflective blog, week 7 marks the start of our 2nd contribution. So let's not linger, move those fingers! :) Pn. Hanani
Tomorrow is the start of week 7 and I hope that you've all had a good rest after an exhausting week. In the case of our reflective blog, week 7 marks the start of our 2nd contribution. So let's not linger, move those fingers! :) Pn. Hanani
Saturday, August 8, 2009
"PPSMI" a Reality Became Rhetoric!
Assalamualaikum and A Very Nice Day....
Today I am very interested to discuss about PPSMI or Learning and Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English. When the government had announced that the policy PPSMI will be abolished, Malaysian had given mixed feeling about the government decision. Why? Because human being have their own view about some issues and this will lead to the critical thinking among the communities. Today, I will expressed my own point of view. From my own perception, I agreed with the decision made by the government to abolished the PPSMi because of several rationale. First, the usage of English in Mathematics and Science lead to the increasing gap between the students in rural area and in the urban area. So, as a reasult, the students in the rural area cannot catch-up with the syllabus as the main problem for students is the medium of instruction, that is the language itself.
Secondly, the decision made by government in 2002 to launch the PPSMI had been done without any proper preparation. For example, the teachers itself. Since for a long time, teachers in Malaysia who are teaching Mathematics and Science had used Bahasa Melayu as a medium of instruction and they are more experienced to teach this two critical subjects in our national language. Can we imagined how teachers to teach Mathematics and Science in English as they are not exposure to the environment of English itself? This actually made the condition worst become worst as teachers are more comfortable to use bilingual to teach in class as they are not fluent in English and also their students cannot understand what they are teaching as the students having limited usage of English. So, by using back Bahasa Melayu in the learning and teaching process of Mathematics and Science, students will comprehend with the subjects and also lead the teachers to use more unique technique in order to make their students understand better.
The equipments provided by the government is not enough and sometimes, not suitable to use in the learning process. As a proof, the contents of the textbook and some multimedia software likes CD-ROM provided by the Ministry of Education in the subject of Science is not complete and students cannot used the textbook as a first priority as many facts in the textbooks had not been described eventhough it is mentioned clearly under the syllabus provided.
As I am mentioned before, every person have their own view about some issues. Its goes the same with me. It is only my personal opinion as a one of the students who had been experienced with this PPSMI policy. I am sure that those who is categorised as 'Language Lovers" will support the decision made by the government to abolished this policy and those who is educated as "English Orientation" will be very dissapointed with the government decision. As I am concerned, this policy actually illegal as its contravene with Education Act 1996 that clearly mentioned about the usage of Bahasa Melayu as a main instruction in school. So, now it is depends on ourself whether to think the rationale taken by the government logically or emotionally...
That's all from now... Always have a beautiful day.........
See You Again In the Next Time!
<<<>>> :0)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Brushing off negative perceptions
I had put Law as my first choice in my UPU application. I never thought I managed to get into UKM doing law, which is my first choice because I am a Diploma in Business Administration graduate. At first, I felt rather left out because I didn't know much about Law. I only knew a little, only because I took a law subject in my Diploma course which is Business Law. From that subject I suddenly had a huge interest in doing law. Entering my first lecture in Faculty of Law, UKM, I felt rather intimidated because everyone confidently voiced out on what they knew about Law, but I only could just watch in awe. However, my feeling of insecurities were laid to rest when all of the lecturers convinced us, particularly towards the STPM and Diploma holders not to feel intimidated and afraid to carry the Law course. Our possibilities and chances to excel were as great as those who had basics in law before and that we were to strive harder than we did in school. I realized that I shouldn't have had a feeling of insecurity, and just be optimistic as well as being more proactive to succeed as a Law student.
Written by,
Alia Munirah Bt Asiff
Written by,
Alia Munirah Bt Asiff
Hey yall! Guess its my time to post something here. I didn't know that we had to post something about us hence me posting the first 2 articles about the westmister system and the joke about lawyers. Now that most of you have had a good laugh about lawyers and some basic knowledge about our legal system, here is what i have experience in the fifth week of my life as a law student studying the law faculty of UKM. As probably most of you have known previously i was a pre-law student from UiTM and most of you guys might have the impression that pre-law students have and edge towards you guys but in actual fact we don't. We came here with zero knowledge just as you guys did because for people who are as lazy as i am, i have forgotten most of what we have learned back then because there is no certainty that we might get to do our law degree through the UPU process so we were still kinda playing around the choices that are available around the law stream. Now enough about that, i guess its safe to say that the orientation week was a real drag and a pain to everyone. After the whole week of missery was over came the week of serious studies. The environment from pre-law and the environment doing our law degree is totally different. Back then everything was more laid back and everything was kinda spoon fed to us, now its a whole different ball game, its like if a lecturer asks you about a certain case and you are unable to give the facts of the case infront of 101 students you'll feel like your the dumbest person on earth, well atleast that's how i feel. I guess what's important is that we must change from the inner child within us to grown up adults to adpat to the changes that we are facing as soon as possible. Right now i am not 100% adapted to the surroundings but its safe to say that i'm on the verge of adapting to the surroundings. I started my english class together with a few other students but later 5 of us were transfered from that class and put into Mdm. Hanani's class. Over here i met a couple of extraordinary people who made feel welcomed. We work together and we even strive together to achieve a common goal and these people are the people that i have fun working with so far. Next week and this week is going to be a stressful week because we are going to have a series od tests next week. Hopefully we'll all do well in it. Thats all i can say for now, tune in for my next posting. adios amigos - adi
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Frankly saying,i never blog before in my life.I love to tell,i love to share but somehow i feel that blogging is like writing a report(sorry for all the blogger out there,haha).But,since it is part of my responsibility as a law student here in UKM,i have no choice =p
Life is good here,thanks to my matrix experience last time,the feeling of homesick is not as worst as last time.i am still able to cope.
Frankly,i love english class.Firstly,it is not hectic like the others.Secondly,the lecturer herself is such a nice person.I always think she is so sweet.And i have learn that a class is still a class,sometimes a class will never be fun.So,i got no choice but to wake up at 6.30 in the morning to attend english class.
Ok,i guess i am done.....
Life is good here,thanks to my matrix experience last time,the feeling of homesick is not as worst as last time.i am still able to cope.
Frankly,i love english class.Firstly,it is not hectic like the others.Secondly,the lecturer herself is such a nice person.I always think she is so sweet.And i have learn that a class is still a class,sometimes a class will never be fun.So,i got no choice but to wake up at 6.30 in the morning to attend english class.
Ok,i guess i am done.....
About The Law Students In UKM
Hi guys, I am a boy named XXX XXXX XXX. I will not reveal my name but I am absolutely sure that you will know who I am after you read my article. Well, I feel quite grateful to have the rare opportunity to be part of the law faculty in UKM. Everyone knows that it is very competitive and yet difficult to enrol into UKM law. However, thank God because I manage to enter the well-known law faculty of UKM.
Once I stepped into the law faculty, I met several law students. To me, they looked like ordinary students. If they walked on the street, no one will aware that they are from the law faculty. However when I asked them regarding their result, I was stunned. Their result was certainly glamorous. Compared to me, they are colossal and I am merely nothing. Most of them came here under their fascinating STPM result but me, under matriculation result. It is a fact that STPM is notorious for its toughness but in contrary, matriculation is conspicuously too simple. Hence, I could say that these students are really superb. I believe that their future will glow brightly like a sun. Although they do possess admirable result, but they are undeniably kind and helpful. I can still recall vividly what had happened last week. An Indian boy who was the top 6th student in STPM willing to lend a hand to asist me in my study. Despite his hectic lifestyle, he spent about an hour to explain patiently to me regarding the problems I encoutered in my contract law. It was really so helpful for him to teach me. So here I wish to thank him for his kind deeds.
Once I stepped into the law faculty, I met several law students. To me, they looked like ordinary students. If they walked on the street, no one will aware that they are from the law faculty. However when I asked them regarding their result, I was stunned. Their result was certainly glamorous. Compared to me, they are colossal and I am merely nothing. Most of them came here under their fascinating STPM result but me, under matriculation result. It is a fact that STPM is notorious for its toughness but in contrary, matriculation is conspicuously too simple. Hence, I could say that these students are really superb. I believe that their future will glow brightly like a sun. Although they do possess admirable result, but they are undeniably kind and helpful. I can still recall vividly what had happened last week. An Indian boy who was the top 6th student in STPM willing to lend a hand to asist me in my study. Despite his hectic lifestyle, he spent about an hour to explain patiently to me regarding the problems I encoutered in my contract law. It was really so helpful for him to teach me. So here I wish to thank him for his kind deeds.
My New Life....
I guess that I'm the last person writing in this page in this week.
I have nothing much too say.
I dont know what to say exactly..
My life at here so far so good.
I can survive till now.
Whats the important thing is I know what I'm doing at here.
Read law is not easy..
Of course there will be a lot of reading and memorising or at least know about the cases.
I've to work harder to understand what I'm learning about..
At least,I know I will be fine..
Whereas my family getting use to be far with me.
They will be happy and not worrying to much about me as long as I send a message to them everyday..
I always heard people say ; an apple a day can keep a doctor away but now I will say ; a message a day can keep the tears away ( my mummy's tears of course)..
Frankly,I'm enjoying my life as a law student at UKM..
I have nothing much too say.
I dont know what to say exactly..
My life at here so far so good.
I can survive till now.
Whats the important thing is I know what I'm doing at here.
Read law is not easy..
Of course there will be a lot of reading and memorising or at least know about the cases.
I've to work harder to understand what I'm learning about..
At least,I know I will be fine..
Whereas my family getting use to be far with me.
They will be happy and not worrying to much about me as long as I send a message to them everyday..
I always heard people say ; an apple a day can keep a doctor away but now I will say ; a message a day can keep the tears away ( my mummy's tears of course)..
Frankly,I'm enjoying my life as a law student at UKM..
My life in UKM and faculty of law
Hai,i m LUM or KokKiong...i was writing the post in KUO cyber cafe because i have not bought my laptop yet...the first day,i came to UKM, i got a little bit shock when i go inside my room..first of all, the room is quite old...Besides, it is a single room and i felt very lonely because i have no roomate who can chat with me.During the MMP week, i felt very tired because i only sleep a few hours.After a few weeks,i think it is very troublesome staying in KIY because i have to climb about 8 minutes to reach my room as i am highlander.Furthermore, as a law student,we can only take the ''3U'' or '' U'' bus to reach faculty of law,besides,these two bus are very less because the bus only travels in one trip in half of an hour.In faculty of law, i felt quite stressful because there got a lot of tutorial question and assignment to do.In the mean while, i have no time to study because i involved in a lot of cocurriculum such as college's night,activity of biro in JAKSA,faculty's night,activity of pesta kuih bulan and others.So until now, i still have not study seriously.Another reason i felt tension is my language problem.This is because i think that my english is not good enough.Sometimes,i have no confident to speak english in publicity.As a result, i join the english debate competition in order to polish my english.Besides, i found that i am really enjoy in the class english for law because my classmates is very amieble and funny. I also like the way Puan Hanani lecturing because it is very remote and interesting.I am very happy because i acknowledged many friends in university.All of them are very helpful and kind.Besides,i found that actually i am a homesick,i am very missing my parents in hometown.I am caring about their life.I hope that i can go back to hometown to visit them as soon as possible.Finally, i wish i can enjoy my campus's life in the four years time..i hope there is not many grammar mistake that i had done in this post...haha........LUM KOK KIONG
.: new life :.
hello everybody!!
ehmm.As i was especting ,i'm the last person to post my view here.hehe
About studying law,this is my first choice and i'm very glad that i made it to this university,National University of Malaysia,UKM,and ofcourse to be in Faculty of Law but for my mum and dad they doesn't feel the same way i did.Actually they always wanted me to be a teacher but somehow i manage to convince them..I still remember the first day here,in UKM,(in KKM to be exactly)the feeling that been surrounded by unfamiliar faces of all races and ages. I desperately searched for a familiar face; but it turned out that there was no one there that I had known.Oh my god!I'm alone.That part was very scary part for me,the feeling that i have to go through university life ALONE..But now, i have so many friends here that sometime i accidently forgot their name.Sorry..hehe
The first time i entered Pn. Hanani English For Law class, i know this class will make me a quiet student.Not that i dont want to participate in class but my english is very BAD but lucky me,on the first day of our class,Pn. Hanani make me speak up in front of the class.haha.what a lucky day.However,above all,the most important thing i need to do right now is to IMPROVE my english.(Can someone help me?anyone?)
i really hope here that we all can be best friends ever and share all the precious and sad moments together.....
thank you and wish you all have a nice day..
the most sincere person EVER,
ehmm.As i was especting ,i'm the last person to post my view here.hehe
About studying law,this is my first choice and i'm very glad that i made it to this university,National University of Malaysia,UKM,and ofcourse to be in Faculty of Law but for my mum and dad they doesn't feel the same way i did.Actually they always wanted me to be a teacher but somehow i manage to convince them..I still remember the first day here,in UKM,(in KKM to be exactly)the feeling that been surrounded by unfamiliar faces of all races and ages. I desperately searched for a familiar face; but it turned out that there was no one there that I had known.Oh my god!I'm alone.That part was very scary part for me,the feeling that i have to go through university life ALONE..But now, i have so many friends here that sometime i accidently forgot their name.Sorry..hehe
The first time i entered Pn. Hanani English For Law class, i know this class will make me a quiet student.Not that i dont want to participate in class but my english is very BAD but lucky me,on the first day of our class,Pn. Hanani make me speak up in front of the class.haha.what a lucky day.However,above all,the most important thing i need to do right now is to IMPROVE my english.(Can someone help me?anyone?)
i really hope here that we all can be best friends ever and share all the precious and sad moments together.....
thank you and wish you all have a nice day..
the most sincere person EVER,
university life
Hello everybody! As everyone know, I am here to fulfil part of my obligation as a student in the subject English for Law. Everyone must post something to reflect on the learning experience which is a part of the course evaluation.
We have been in UKM for 5 weeks, and everyone is trying to get used to the life here.
University life is hectic. Hectic because I don't really have time to focus and concentrate on my studies completly as too many meetings and events to attend. There are too many activities going on and I put more time for co-curriculum rathar than studies.I have to stay up until midnight to do homeworks and revision. That's why I am always yawning and looks sleepy in the class. But the way,through this activities, I get to learn alot of things such as leadership, softskills, teamwork and so on. I'd joined a few clubs and organizations. One of them is swimming club. I have to wake up at 6am where the class will start at 6.30am and will end at 11.30pm.
Despite the class is tiring and meke me exhauted every week, but i have learn something new and I am satisfy with that. I am enjoying the university life and so i hope you guys enjoy too!C=
xin yu
We have been in UKM for 5 weeks, and everyone is trying to get used to the life here.
University life is hectic. Hectic because I don't really have time to focus and concentrate on my studies completly as too many meetings and events to attend. There are too many activities going on and I put more time for co-curriculum rathar than studies.I have to stay up until midnight to do homeworks and revision. That's why I am always yawning and looks sleepy in the class. But the way,through this activities, I get to learn alot of things such as leadership, softskills, teamwork and so on. I'd joined a few clubs and organizations. One of them is swimming club. I have to wake up at 6am where the class will start at 6.30am and will end at 11.30pm.
Despite the class is tiring and meke me exhauted every week, but i have learn something new and I am satisfy with that. I am enjoying the university life and so i hope you guys enjoy too!C=
xin yu
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