Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What My Mentor Said
I can remember vividly what my dearest mentor told me a few weeks back. She told me earnestly that we ought to be tough to endearvour hardship when we study law. Ya, I am very sure regarding this. However studying law is deadfully challenging and the challenges symbolized the difficulties and hardships in our life. We need to deal and resolve every challenge relentlessly. The challenge is akin to a fire and we are the pearl. The fire glows as fiercely as the fire of hell. It looked intimidating. We tremble as we see it. The pearl need to get into the fire to get tormented or tortured. It is an excruciating ordeal. However, once the fire is gone. The pearl is transformed. It shines dazzingly, far more brighter than the past. We are the same as the pearl. After the suffering, we will be tougher and determined than the previous. This is a kind of advantage for those who are yearning to be lawyers. The lawyers are inevitable to come across hardship. So for those future lawyers, they deserved the pain and hardship right now to garner experience to crush the coming hardships.
From Tan ZL, 3rd entry....
Virtue of Eid-Ul-Fitr...
For me its not late to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" for those whom celebrated it.. This year of Eid-Ul-Fitr had bring a thousand meaning for me. Many incident had occured and me as a person who involved with it turns into a person with more matured personality.
Sometime we does not know where the happiness will come.. we need to face all the challenges first before we reach the happiness in our life.. For the first time in my life, my big family unite together in a harmony. Before this, my family are not in the good condition due to some problems arised. 2 days before Raya, my mom said, she hopes that all relatives will comes back here and celebrated Hari Raya together and my mother said she missed the Raya celebration likes a long time ago.. Maybe what my mother said had become a reality "Doa". Me as a son can seen the happiness of my mom when her hope to make the reunion had become reality. Can you imagined what is your feeling when you met with your own relative after losing contacts for 5 years.
Here, what I learnt was we should not totally give up when we felt its was really hard to achieves some hope.. As I said before, the memory in the Aidilfirti this years will become one of my sweet memory in my life..
Hope see you soon...
Salam and Bye-Bye
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
~.: just for laugh :.~
A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane. Suddenly, the plane developed engine trouble.
In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed a parachute, yelled to the passengers that they had better jump, and bailed out.
Unfortunately, there were only three parachutes remaining.
The doctor grabbed one and said "I'm a doctor, I save lives, so I must live," and jumped out.
The lawyer then said, "I'm a lawyer and lawyers are the smartest people in the world. I deserve to live."
He also grabbed a parachute and jumped.
The priest looked at the little boy and said, "My son, I've lived a long and full life. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Take the last parachute and live in peace."
The little boy handed the parachute back to the priest and said, "Not to worry, Father. The 'smartest man in the world' just took off with my back pack."
Monday, September 28, 2009
A week at home definitely taught me a lot of things.I was in a pensive mood right after i reached my hostel.I couldn't stop thinking how lucky i am and what a great life my family had provided me so far.One of my close friend confessed to me that he dosen't love his family.He feels left out at home and don't even want to have dinner with his family.Having dinner with his family is just part of the obligation for him as being a child in the family.And one thing he said really hit me.Even though he has 2 siblings,but he said he is as lonely and boring as he is the only child in the family.
I couldn't stop thinking how's my life gonna be like if i am born as the only child in the family.My sisters are the greatest gift from my parents.Never imagine what will it be like if one day i have to lose them.And my mother,although she never tells but i know what her daughters meant for her and she loves us more than anybody.And my daddy,although you are living in a different world right now,i know you are always looking at us.

My Dearest,
Mother and Father whatever I may say or have said or will say in the future,
in appreciation of all that you have done for me will be indeed grossly
You are my everything
You are my consolation in sorrow
Our hope is misery and our strenght in weakness
You are the source of love, mercy, sympathy and forgiveness
You are the pure soul who blesses and guards us constantly
Everything in nature bespeaks of our beloved parents
The sun is the mother of earth and give it its nourishment of heat...
It never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to...
The song of the sea, the hymn of the birds and the brooks
and the earth is the mother of the trees and flowers....
Its produces them, nurses them and weans them....
The trees and flowers become kind mother of the great fruits and seeds
and the mother and the father is the eternal spirit, full of beauty and love....
My dear mother and father please accept this,
My humble offering of my deep appreciation for everything that you have done for me....
I love you...really love you...I will prove that me your son, will success here and gain the brighter future....
Lack of Time
Isn't it true? We just leave off for our holidays and then a minute later we are packing to get back here to study. It's a little too short.
Everyone is just coming back from Raya holidays.
I just reach here yesterday night with the lowest mood as I don't feel like coming back here yet I have to. I'd planned to do some research on PBL and revisions during the one week holidays. I feel guilty when I come back to UKM last night. After cleaning my room which is extremly dirty and dusty, I started off with those assignments.
Anyway, through these assignments, I can know others better.
Teamworks and commitments from each of the members are very important in order to come out with an excellent assignment.
Effort of every group members contribute to a good assignment.
The best example that I had experience is my IT presentation.
We only have our very first discussion 3 days before the presentation. On the day of presentation, we don't realise that some of our works were not correct until the lecturers pointed it out.
That's all.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
~:. SelaMat HarI RaYa AidiLfItrI To All :.~
Hi Guys!!
SeLaMaT HaRi RayA and hope you guys enjoy your holidays!!
I was arrived at UKM from Melaka about 5 or 6 p.m and now I'm so bored because my roommate is still not here and i got nothing to do right now. That was what I thought before i remembered that i have forgotten about this blog (and all my PBL work and assignments )and I still not post my 2nd post yet until today. Hehe. Sorry Madam but i've just post it.
Lets talk about Aidilfitri. This year my family and I celebrate Aidilfitri only in Melaka. There is no "balik kampung" for us this year. Actually my father had a small accident just before Hari Raya. On the last night of the tarawikh prayer, he had an accident just 50 metre infront of our house when he was on the way to go to the mosque. The motorcycles brake was stuck when he hit the brake and thats make him fall from the bike and injured him on his face, shoulder and leg. The Baju Melayu he was wearing was torn. Blood flow from the wound but it was not very serious. I was the one who take him to the nearest clinic. He's okay now but the wound still not fully recovered. thats why my mother dont want to "balik kampung" this year. I think she is afraid that the incident might happen again.
Eventhough my family and i didn't make it to "kampung" this year but Aidilfitri was still merrier like years before. My dad with his "lemang" and my mum with her very tasty and wonderful "rendang". Even by thinking of all that yummy foods now makes me feel hungry. And not forgeting my two younger brothers with their firecrackers and fireworks that always make my mother cant stop nagging. Even I cannot hold myself to play with those firecrackers. Those things are very important. Aidilfitri will not be merier and happening if there is no firecrackers and fireworks around. Right guys??
Celebrating aidilfitri with my family was a very wonderful feeling to me eventhough we didn't celebrate it with all of our relatives at the "kampung". But we still have friends and relatives who live near to visit us during 'raya' seasons. Everyday was a very busy day to me, not because of doing my assignment or something like that but because I have to treat all the guest who came to my house and ofcourse to go to friends house too. Only once a year we have this chance to go to other people house, ask for forgiveness and sat together right?? So this Aidilfitri really makes me feel very thankful to god and at the same time forget all the works and the hectic life in UKM.
I think thats all for now.
I want to wish to all of you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and a special thank to Hafis because of his kindness by allowed me to ride with him, sending me to Melaka and sang the "balik kampung" song with me along the way. Hehe.
~.: HomeSick :.~
Hi guys!!
homesick!! homesick!!
Deep down in every of us there is an adventurer, and eternally youthful spirit that hungers for new and strange places, for new and wondrous experiences. It is a deeply human feeling, this desire to travel and visit unknown places, this desire to increase one’s knowledge of the world. It is an ancient longing, far more ancient than the first man who looked up at the hawk and with a cry of pain wished that he could fly, too.
Therefore, two sorts of feelings can be experienced on leaving home for some time. First we are anxious to know the place where we intend to go and we eagerly look forward to making the acquaintance of new friends in a new surrounding; then we shall be able to draw comparisons between the old place and the new one.
Yet our joy is not unmitigated, because on leaving an old place, memories of all sorts come back to our mind. We remember the pleasant hours we spent there with our family and friends, and the happy events that place was a witness of. On such an occasion even sorry remembrances are gently cared for, since they are some more links connecting us to that place and thus making it all the dearer to us.
Then we easily understand why, most of the time, any departure causes such opposite feelings, the source of moral torment for fear we should deprived of all that made our life sweet before.
Before leaving Melaka or Kg. Sungai Udang (to be exactly) I had only seen things so common, but everything seemed beautiful and meaningful to me now.
I shut my eyes so as to see the faces of my dear mother, father, sister, and my two agile brothers
miss all of them very much!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I was so happy to be home. At supper, I sat across daddy. I could not help but notice he was growing old; he had started to have hairfall and the veins in his arms seemed more oblivious than they had ever been all these years. I reminisce of the exact time I received the letter of offer from the National University of Singapore. I was thrilled! However, I could not secure a scholarship. After daddy and I did the calculations, we realized he could not possibly afford to send me there. Daddy told me, “It is okay, I will sell my car off and get a cheaper one. With the proceeds, I will buy the Sing Dollars when it is cheapest”. I paused. My dream was to read law abroad, but I was only offered a place to do Economics. I told daddy I would stay and read law in UKM though I knew he would have prefered me doing Economics in Singapore.
“Whether or not you go to NUS, it does not matter. Because I have heard my colleagues boast of their nieces and nephews going there, but it was never their own children. Now I can tell them my kid had been accepted! If you read law at UKM, it would be just as good. You are the first in the family to go to university and you are studying to become a lawyer! I could not possibly ask for a better daughter than you. Whatever you do, my support of your decision never wavers.”
Daddy was an orphan adopted by grandpa and grandma at the tender age of six. He had never seen his biological father, let alone be loved by him. And his foster father died before he was twenty. Yet, he loves me more than any other father could ever love his child. He was ready to pay if I wanted to go and was in full support when I chose to stay. I went to UKM, carrying the hope of my daddy's. And though I miss him so much I would rather stay in Penang, it is that same figure who gives me strength to go back and carry on. It may be tough out there, but as the cliche goes, 'what does not kill you makes you stronger'.
seem that all of you are enjoying your holiday and celebrating raya ya..
Hope you all will get enough rest plus holiday before we continue our "works" after this...
argghh... don't know why... but... I feel that books and assignments are calling me every time I enter my room but I’ll not be able to respond to them. Speechless.
I only look at them and then say goodbye before leaving the room. Like goodbye my lover, goodbye my friends *James blunt's song*... haha..
5 days holiday.. im doing nothing at home.. I forget about my assignments, PBL, presentations... all of them. Im so lazy.. All I want to do are resting my mind, soul and body.. That is what I'm waiting for after ABOUT 3 MONTHS spending my time in UKM especially in our beloved faculty.. huhu~
i feel very tired and tensed. A week before holiday, there is no tutorial classes anymore and we felt very happy for it because one of our works had been reduced. Hooyeh! Although there are no tutorial classes, we still need to work hard to prepare ourselves for the PBL (problem based learning) and also the final examination. I know, all of the first year students are busy and also worried for the works that are waiting for them. I really hope that all of us will succeed with the flying colours for this semester. To all my friends, don’t worry much about our PBL.. relax and do it sincerely plus your best.. insyaALLAH, God will help you... smile.. =)
Friday, September 25, 2009
#%* Who give me stress? *%#
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Speeding has been identified as the main cause of accidents. Motorists, as well as motorcyclists tend to treat the highways as race tracks. They even race illegally in most urban areas. Many cannot control their machines and vehicles and end up killing themselves and innocent people like the other road user and passer-by. What can be seen is speedtraps and police road blocks have not been a good deterrent for many since they are still doing the same thing.
Undeniable, overloading by lorry drivers also causes them to lose control especially when they are coming downhill and this lead to the accident. The brakes overheat and lose their grip on the wheelbase. This has resulted in many accidents especially in tool booths and at exits to town and cities.
Many motorists do not adhere to the road traffic ordinance. They do not slow down in housing areas , beat traffic lights and throw caution to the wind. Their negligence in driving has taken its toll.
Besides, one of the most obvious causes is drivers are known for tailgating, queue jumping, road hogging and turning without adequate signals. Many motorists park their vehicles at restricted areas such as kerbs, corners, and where other motorists are unable to have a clear view. This has contributed to the increase in accidents.
Furthermore, unfavourable road conditions such as potholes, bottlenecks, steep gradients, high speedbreakers and others such as flood, prone highways and roads have caused more mishaps.
Inadequate streetlighting, bad road planning where there are blind corners and confusing road signs have worsened this problem. Some roads are narrow and when motorists park by the sides, the area becomes an accident prone area.
Much effort has taken by the authorities yet the road accidents are still continues to escalate. Road safety campaigns, educating road users and stringent law enforcement which beleived will nip this problem in the bod have been carried out, but the accidents are still in increase. Therefore, in my opinion, it is pointless that the authorities had done and plan so many things since there are no co-operation from the citizen. It is their own attitude which determines whether will they obey the rules and regulations. The irresponsible drivers feel that speeding is just a small matter and no need to be too overact but they do not know that while they are throwing their caution to the wind, at the same times they are threaten other innocent road users. They are not only end up killing themselve but also the innocent ones.
The national road council must rectify accident prone areas and promote safety as well as defensive driving techniques among our motorists and motorcyclists. The authorities had constructed separate lanes for motorcyclists to avert mishaps with cars, lorries and buses but it is not all road are completely separated. Besides, some of the motorcyclist are also not obey the rules by not busing the facalities that have been constructed for them.
In addition, heavy vehicles also should be prohibited from using the roads during peak hours and festive seasons. They should allow a time frame to prevent unnecessary accidents. Pedestrians must be taught on road safety and the most important thing is everyone must make an effort to reduce the fatality on the roads.
That's all from me this time, thank you.
Sincerely from,
Shoo May
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Good luck
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Wonderful and Busy Holiday
Even though is in holiday, but I realize that I still need to work very hard because I have many assignment to pass up when the holiday is over. Sigh…… holiday, still cannot have a great rest. Besides, I have to strive to study because our PBL (problem based learning) is coming soon. Our PBL will be a mooting. This is my first time to go moot court and proceed in the court. Therefore, I am very nervous and afraid because I would practice like a lawyer for first time. In addition, I put in many effort and take it seriously as the PBL carrying a lot of marks in my result. I need to study a lot of chapter s in next semester because the extent of PBL includes many things that we have never learned in lecture.
Along the process of PBL, we are divided into many group. We need to cooperate and discuss with my members in order to complete our mooting successfully. In the process of mixing with my member, I found that each people have different type of characteristic . So, I learn that I have to use different way when I mingle with different people. I also realize that I need to improve my communication skill to strengthen my public relationship. This is because I still have some distance with my friends as I am too quiet.
Furthermore, I also busy to prepare for the Pesta Tanglung as it is coming soon. As a treasurer, I need to prepare a budget and account for the event. Besides, I am in charged to make coupon for the event. Fortunately, my friends give a full commitment and help to me, so I was completed in making the coupon.
Finally, I feel very happy as I can reunion with my family members in this holiday. Even I still leave a lot of things to do, but I believe that I can handle it very well.