Thursday, October 29, 2009


Recently Pendeta ZaBa has done a program called D'christwali. The name is very unique is it? Actually it is the combination of Deepavali and Christmas. It was held in Kiosk Pendeta ZaBa college.The programme was done by members of Kelab Sentamil Kalagam(KSK).I was one of the high board members for this ceremony. I was been chosen as Diector of programme. That was the first time i hold a board and i have gained alot of experiences from that ceremony. As a Director of Programmes my duty was to handle all the programmes that had on he day, i dai tentative of the show and helped protocol bureau on the day. The VIP for the show was Dr. Narayanan, one of the lecturers in FSSK. We, first year girls fom Pendeta ZaBA college have done a performance.We did a classical dance with lights and traditionally. There were alot of performances. Such as malay dance, modern dance, semi classical dance and a wonderful singing performance from christian society in ZaBa. During the speech of VIP, he said that we have done a very good job and he likes our first year students spirit. We were very happy and satisfied because it was uor first programme in college that done by first years and we got alot of positive comments and also compliments from lots of the audience. It was a great experience and lesson for all of us. We have done our best in this show and wish to do the best in our examinations too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hye everyone! This is my latest post for this current semester. As we all know for the past couple of weeks we were all facing the dread full nightmare of our PBL assignments and now that its over I feel like as though a huge rock has been lifted from my shoulders. I still remember i was running here there and everywhere just to get materials to support my arguments and at the same time trying to settle other written assignments at hand. Most of the times my life revolves around the law library and PTSL just to complete the PBL assignment. I guess it was safe to say that the PBl was like a parasite sucking the dear life out of me but luckily I got out of it when it was over last Thursday. As soon as it was over I went out with a couple buddies of mine just to celebrate. What we did was not really that adventurous but still it was memorable. What we did was that we toured KL and then we filled our tummy with nasi lemak at the famous nasi lemak joint which was nasi lemak antarabangsa. It was finger licking good. Now that the nightmare of PBl is over comes the nightmare of finals. Guess nowi have to really focus and glue my head to the books so that i can do well in the finals. Well that's all for now i guess from me. I'll be back =D


%$# JUst FoR MaWarD! #$%

~ Here you are ~

Almost Ending

This post will probably be but most likely not be the last post but in any case i'm just going to reflect on the PBL assignments. Contract PBL was really gruesome. never in my life have i spent most of the times out of my life in the library. I don't know if anyone knows this but the library is like a kryptonite to me. A lot of my friends could tell the effect of the PBL assignment on me. My eyes was literally like a panda due to the lack of sleep that I had. Luckily over the weekends I had sometime to chill with my companion at the woods inside UKM itself. We had to go through this simulation training under our curricular activity "Khidmat Masyarakat". Another thing that I feel sorry is that we have been neglecting our responsibility as students to respect our lecturers. This is because due to the PBL sessions we have not been attending classes and even delayed our presentation which was schedule perfectly by our English lecturer and for that I would like to say that I'm sorry. We have been taking our English classes for granted but little that we know it also plays an important role as part of our CGPA count. I feel such a fool for acting that way and I just hope that our lecturer has the mercy and find it in her heart to forgive us. I guess now that all of our classes has ended and the next thing on the list of to do as students is to focus on our finals which I bet all the lecturer has a painfull surprise for all of us. All i can do now is just pray to god that I will have the courage and determination to do my best in the finals. It used to be eat, sleep and watch football but I guess now its eat, sleep and read law books. So for now I'm going to end my post and hit the books. I would like to wish all the readers of the post happy studying and good luck in the finals. -CIAO-

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

%$# Memory #$%

For more~See right hand side.