Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hi, my fellow classmate. Today, i would like to share about the ideas on how can we unite the people of diverse origins in Malaysia.
Multi ethnic Malaysia faces a big challenge in uniting the people of diverse origins namely Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis and others. We have the Ibans, Bidayuhs, Penans and other east Malaysians to include in the list.
Celebrations, festivals, and activities of different races should be respected and should not be condemned by people of different ethnicity.
In addition, we must adhere to the principals of the Rukun Negara which emphasizes that everyone should respect the Federal Constituition. The people can promote mutual understanding and respect by organising more activities where everyone from different races participate equally.
Further, government departments must have more multi-ethnic staff as this will be a good example for the private sector to emulate.
The authorities must have open-houses during celebrations and festivals to promote goodwill and understanding.
Members of the armed forces and the police force must have an equal number of Malays, Chinese and Indians as well as the other races who form the population of Malaysia.
Telematches, jogathons, marathons and other outdoor activities must be held to get everyone to mix freely. Teachers, parents and leaders must instil the basic foundation of unity among children, students and teenagers.
Everyone should refrain from making racial slurs and creating the disharmony among the people of different ethnic backgrounds.
The terminology use for race should be changed to Malaysians rather than to divide according to different ethnic background.
Ministers, deputy ministers, parliamentarians and senators should speak on unity and attend to the needs of every Malaysian equally. They should not be prejudiced and pass discriminatory remarks.
All Malaysians should treat one another with respect and prevent any racial disunity. They should not make a mountain out of a molehill.
We need to understand that unity is the greatest strength in any country. Religious tolerance goes a long way in creating a country solidarity, integrity and stability.
Law enforcement should be prompt when it concerns any racial issues. They should prevent the situation from going out of hand. Police officers must be diplomatic in their approach as they form the first group to meet the society at large.
The togetherness of the people of different ethnicity will promote Malaysia as a great place to leave in.
Last and foremost, thank you and Selamat Hari Merdeka Ke-52 !
From : Shoo May

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